Going beyond ourselves

This last month we have had the privilege to keep reaching out beyond ourselves to the nations through mission. We have had our monthly zoom in May with the Pastors hub in Rwanda where I spoke on hearing God is what we do as a priority and how we need to appoint time out to hear clearly. Some the reason we ask the hub of five Pastors to come together for a morning a month is to model how to take time out to hear the voice of God. These Pastors are loving the connection they are making together and it’s taking down walls of empire building into a more kingdom way of joined up thinking. We love facilitating this hub and gain more from doing it than we give.

Hearing Gods voice has been important to me through the last twenty + years of ministry and continues to be as we pioneer ahead. If you visit our podcast on the teaching page, unpacking your spiritual life I share some insights you can listen to. Richard has also been teaching on the zooms on the power and ability of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

It has become possible to expand our input to Pastors and leaders across Asia. Richard has begun to teach to the online group we share we monthly and we have a new partnership forming near Nepal and Tibet. These are very rural leaders so we are thinking creatively how to get the resources they are hungry for. If you can pray and support where you can that would be amazing , we sense God has opened a door and now we need wisdom as we navigate the how.

It is a real privilege to go beyond ourselves as God wants all people to know and experience his great love and ability in their lives and into eternity. So we keep the goal in sight to reach many nations with the story of Jesus.


Voices from Sacred Space


Expect the unexpected