Expect the unexpected

As I was driving last weekend on a round trip of nearly 700 miles last weekend God suddenly dropped a phrase into my heart “expect the unexpected.” What does that mean I began to think. I began to pray that phrase as I drove and have surprised by what appears to be God unlocking some things.

Where was I going? I had a prison to share my story in on the Saturday morning and then on the Monday I spent the day with Barry Woodward of Proclaim Trust as part of his team for the day, enabling others to share their stories more effectively under Your Story Reframed. It is a mentoring program, which I am part of. A lot of background work, online zooms leads to effective story sharing and evangelism across the UK. This is open to all but you do need to apply. Have a look at Proclaim Trust website for details. Everyone did so well sharing their stories in person. Some already have booking lined up for speaking at events - really exciting.

What happened that was unexpected on that day for me was I chatted to man who publishes stories to go into prisons around the UK and without me asking he has agreed to work on my own story to be published in a short format for prisoners to read; that was unexpected. Also whilst chatting over a coffee another person whom I know quite well he asked if I would consider writing some devotionals for You Version; again that was unexpected. God really is amazing and when we trust and allow Him to do things in His time then He really is leading the ministry. This has been our prayer that Mission on the Move would be God led and in step with where He is going.

The prison outreach on Saturday was great as always. As I stood up to share I felt an overwhelming sense of compassion for those who had come to listen. People go through so much pain and sorrow in life and can find themselves lost through those experiences. That it part of my own story. One evening I looked in the mirror and I didn’t know who I was anymore but I knew I didn’t like who I had become; so I prayed “God if you are real help me and sort my life out.” The very next day I went to Church. The rest is a bit of a journey but something changed that evening when I prayed. I do believe God saved my life quite literally and I am so grateful for that.

It is only by the grace of God that some of us have not ended up inside; including myself. I know from my own experience if we can only connect with the love of God always reaching out toward us then we can begin a healing path with Him. As I prayed over those that morning who had come to the prison chapel to listen or even get some time out I felt the presence of God. I know that some were moved from the tears they cried and that they had connected with that healing love that only God can give.

Thank you for your prayers and support that enabled me to go for this weekend of mission and the unexpected opening up. God is up to something.


Going beyond ourselves


Helping Hands