Outreach to the nations

We have had the joy to be part of a 50 days outreach over the last few weeks. This we have been able to do via zoom. I was asked by a local pastor to do some training for rural leaders and also if I could speak to the crowd as they have been gathering each night to hear about Jesus, join in worship through song and dance. The night I spoke many responded, it was so good and challenging for me to share into a different cultural context after many years of focusing on Africa. I found it very moving and felt Gods heart for the people.

It has been amazing to be part of this great outreach to the local communities. The Church on the ground also helps those around who struggle to have money to buy food. So what they had left from the leaders training they gave away to those who don’t have. If you would like to help support this outreach - then please send your gift here and pop a little note for us- food.

The Pastors training was so good to do and very different in as much as there is a hunger for God that I have not seen. I spoke on always being prepared as much as we can and the most important thing is to have a heart clean and pure for God to work with.

We plan to do more training sessions for them over the course of the this year.


Being Intentional - Street Life


The Journey begins