A Morning in Kigali

We had a fun morning zooming to the life saving sewing project in Kigali, Rwanda. Great to have Divine the late Pastor Enock's daughter translating for me. I did some teaching on how to get out of spiritual and physical poverty - one woman asked "will we always have problems in life ?“ Sadly, the answer was yes in my my experience, but what I have found is that with God there is always hope of a solution. We have security on the inside of us acting as an anchor on the worst of our days as Jesus lives in us and we in him. Keeping it real as always, that’s me. After some prayers and singing we signed off.

I was left with the impression of how important this outreach is to God. Broken people are always on God’s heart. The Bible says He is close to them. Having been in a broken place myself and wondering where on earth is my help going to come from on more than one time in my life; I know how they feel. Fortunately, God uses people like you and I to step in and be His hands and feet. Thanks for continuing to help with this project - it certainly transforms lives. A need they have right now is for material to keep learning and the costs have increased so they are struggling. Please pray for provision.



The Language of Heaven


Just go with it.