New Women’s Co-operative launched.

This week has been very exciting. We have been able to help Alive Passion Church begin their women’s co- operative in Bugesera district, Rwanda.

Last year Pastor John began to meet some women who had been brutally abused and some even raped at a young age. These women were having a difficult time letting go of the past to even begin to see they had a hope of a future in this world. 

Myself and two other women Pastors from the Uk spent time for a good six months zooming into their meetings helping to disciple the women. We spoke on many topics that were relevant to the situation they found themselves in. This helped them when they started the training for tailoring, they had the confidence to believe they could learn and be good at something. The discipleship we did gave them a platform to grow from. 

With the help of New Life Family Church and Sozo Home Church we have been able to enable the women through their training and together we have now helped them to buy sewing machines so they can work together as a co-operative community.

When Pastor John asked me if I could help him I knew that if we did something God would work on their behalf. He brought others alongside to on the journey. Those who have been treated so unjustly and then forgotten about God never forgets, He hears the cry of a broken person and is always looking to turn injustice on its head. 

Thank you to those of you who have given generously to see these women’s lives restored through the goodness and faithfulness of God . 

With God all things are possible.

“You, Lord, hear the desire of the afflicted;
     you encourage them, and you listen to their cry,
defending the fatherless and the oppressed,
     so that mere earthly mortals
     will never again strike terror.”
Psalm 110:17-18


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